Exam registration process
Exams can be booked on the “Adult Education LSA” page. It is the official site for adult education in Saxony-Anhalt and our shop page.
The exam registration and booking process is listed below.
Find a suitable language test for your level in the VHS Sachsen-Anhalt shop. Check whether you meet the requirements for the language exam.
Nutzen Sie dazu auch die vorhandenen Übungsmaterialien.
Either pay directly via PayPal or register for the payment process with Erwachsenenbildung LSA (important: remember your login details). If you pay with PayPal, you do not need to register.
Complete the payment process and language exam registration in the VHS Sachsen-Anhalt shop.
We wish you every success with your exam!
- An exam with a large number of participants can last until 16:00. Please keep the day free.
- Your valid identity card or passport or a similar ID document with a photograph to prove your identity beyond doubt.
- A pen, pencil and eraser.
- For Goethe exams 2-4 weeks
- For telc exams 4-6 weeks
- Please bear in mind the registration and cancellation deadlines when registering online. Later registrations are not possible.
- You will receive further information about the exam by e-mail approximately 10 days before the start of the exam. Please also check your SPAM folder.
- As soon as an attempt at deception and/or fraud is recognised, the examination is terminated for you and you will not receive a certificate.
- If we suspect an attempt at deception, we have permission to ask you to remove your hijab.
- All electronic devices (mobile phones, tablets, smart watches, laptops etc.) must be handed in before the exam. You will receive these items back at the end of the entire exam.
- Jackets must be left in the cloakroom.
- Caps must be removed during the entire exam.
- The exams start with the written part, which consists of 3 parts (reading, listening and writing).
- After a short break, the assigned pairs are sent to the preparation and then to the oral examination. Pairs are assigned exclusively by the examiners themselves. Requested partners will not be considered.
- The examination is complete only if you have completed the written AND oral examination.
- If you would like to have a part of the exam recognised, please let us know when you register for the exam and note this when you make your booking. (We will need a scan/copy of your results sheet).
- You can use the practice materials when you register online on our website or alternatively via the websites of telc gGmbH or the Goethe-Institut.
- We do not offer courses or course books for preparation.
- The exams have the same language level, but are different in terms of task types and exam format.
- Use the practice materials from the various providers to find out which examination format is right for you.
- If a language certificate is required by an authority, please ask which provider must provide the certificate.
Do you have any further questions about our exams?
Exam regulations
The examination regulations are available for download below.