Volkshochschulen in Saxony-Anhalt

Overview of adult education centers in Saxony-Anhalt

Sie möchten Kursleiter:in werden, hier finden Sie interessante Informationen.

Sie möchten sich weiterbilden und suchen Kurse zu interessanten Themen, hier gehts zum Kursfinder.

Farbenfrohe Illustration von einer Person umgeben von Icons mit Ortsmarken.
00 Volkshochschulen in Sachsen-Anhalt
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Become a course instructor

Do you want to share knowledge, set creative impulses, make knowledge comprehensible, design processes together, exchange ideas with others, grow together, make dreams come true and thus improve your pocket money? Wonderful, because then you've come to the right place.

Become a course instructor at adult education centers in Saxony-Anhalt!

The VHS course finder

The VHS course finder is a search engine for nationwide VHS continuing education offers and is based on the most extensive VHS course database in Germany.